CSHSE Accreditation Form

Accreditation Form for CSHSE Members Only
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Accreditation Policy

  • Programs must have active membership before applying for accreditation. All council membership dues must be current.
  • Continuous membership must be maintained for accredited programs. Accredited Programs that are in arrears of membership dues will be given a 90-Day Notice that accreditation is terminated for non-payment of funds.
  • Programs must complete and submit accreditation application and fees before the review process begins.
  • Programs must address the specifications for each standard that pertains to the program degree level. All standards must be met.
  • Programs must follow the guidelines stated in the current Member Handbook of the year of application.
  • A program seeking initial accreditation will have two years from the date of application to submit the self-study and schedule a campus visit.
  • All deadlines must be met. If not, the Board will consider the Program review at the subsequent Board meeting. If consideration is conducted at the following board meeting and approval is given, accreditation is granted continuous from the date of prior approval.
  • Programs that use the same curriculum at multiple campuses can apply for accreditation as one program provided they use the same curriculum at each campus and can document how continuity of the curriculum across campuses is insured.
  • Programs that use different curricula at each campus must apply for membership, accreditation, and reaccreditation as separate campuses.
  • Programs that have multiple campuses but deliver the same curriculum at each campus and have been accredited as one program will be reaccredited as one program
  • Programs that have multiple campuses but use different curricula at each campus will be reaccredited as individual programs.
  • Accreditation must be renewed every 5 years. Reaccreditation should be considered on the anniversary date of the initial accreditation. For example, if the Program is accredited for May 2017-May 2022, the reaccreditation should be submitted for consideration at the May 2022 Board Meeting.
  • A self-study is required every 5 years.
  • A campus visit (two campus visitors) is required every 10 years beginning with the initial accreditation.


Accreditation Procedures

  • Submit the application and fees to Update Management.
  • The Vice President of Accreditation will review the application and send a Notice to Proceed Letter.
  • Follow the timeline found in the Member Handbook: Accreditation and Self Study Guide
  • The Program notifies the Vice President of Accreditation when the self-study is complete and ready for readers.
  • The Vice President of Accreditation will assign readers and the program will submit an electronic copy of the self-study to each of the assigned 4 readers, the Board Member-at-Large representative, and the VP of Accreditation.
  • For initial and ten year review accreditations, a campus visit will be scheduled when the Lead Reader determines that there is adequate evidence of standard compliance. The program will be invoiced the fees for campus visitors and a campus visit will be scheduled
  • The Lead Reader/Campus Visitor will present findings to the Board.
  • The CSHSE Board reviews the findings and determines accreditation status.


Application and Fees

At the November 2021 CSHSE Board Meeting, the Board revised accreditation policies, procedures, and increased application fees effective July 1, 2022. This will effect programs seeking initial accreditation and programs starting a reaccreditation cycle beginning 2023.

  • All accreditation application and fee submission deadlines must be met.
  • Forms and fees must be submitted to Update Management. Forms are available on the website.
  • Complete the application form for Initial Accreditation, Interim Report and Review, or Reaccreditation and submit it with the accreditation fee:
    • $750 for Associate degree program
    • $1000 for Baccalaureate degree program
    • $1250 for Master’s degree program
    • Programs that have multiple degree levels must submit an application and a separate accreditation fee for each degree level. For example: if an institution is seeking accreditation for both an associate and baccalaureate degree program, the accreditation fee would be $1750, $750 for the associate degree and $1000 for the baccalaureate degree.
    • Programs that offer the same degree level but offer multiple programs with different curriculum must apply separately for each degree program accreditation.
  • Campus visit fees will be assessed a flat rate of $2250 per campus visitor. The fee will cover all costs of travel, lodging, and meals of a campus visitor. There will be two campus visitors assigned for each campus visit for a total of $4500 for a campus visit.
    • For schools with more than one campus, it is required for accreditation that one third of the campuses offered within the program are visited by the CSHSE campus visitors. Additional campuses will be $200 each to cover the cost of travel.
    • Campus visit fees will be charged to the Program when the Vice President of Accreditation notifies the program that the Self-study Readers have determined that the self-study review is complete and it is time to proceed with the campus visit.
  • Applications and fees for initial accreditations may be submitted anytime during the fiscal year and follow the self-study submission due dates of the timelines for Reaccreditation
  • Applications for the Interim Report and Review and Reaccreditation must be received six months prior to the end of the accreditation cycle. For example, if the accreditation cycle ends in June, the application and fees must be submitted by January 1.
  • Programs that allow accreditation to lapse either for non-payment of membership dues OR by not submitting a Reaccreditation application and the reaccreditation fee at least six months prior to the ending date of the current accreditation, must begin the process as if they have never been accredited. Official records will show the lapse in accreditation.

    Programs that cannot meet the deadlines due to extenuating circumstances may apply for an extension of up to one year by submitting a letter of request to the Vice President of Accreditation. When an extension is granted, accreditation will be continuous from the date that accreditation renewal was due.